A spokesperson for Halton Borough Council says: “The Council continues to fund all pupils with Education, Health and Care Plans, and remains committed to meeting its statutory duties.

“Unfortunately, Government funding made available for supporting children and young people with Special Educational Needs is not sufficient to meet demand, and with increasing numbers of children and young people who need support, along with the additional requirement to support young people 0-25 years, there are significant, and virtually unsurmountable budget pressures. These have been exacerbated by recent changes to the funding formula proposed by Government .

“To meet this gap proposals put forward include the removal of the opportunity for schools to apply for short term, discretionary top-up funding.

“Schools, with any child or young person that has in place this enhanced provision will continue to receive this funding.

“These decisions are not easy, and a report will go back to the Executive Board proposing to maintain the current position, allowing applications to continue whilst a review is undertaken to determine the future of Enhanced Provision for the next academic year.”