Nominated Junior Safety Officers from Halton primary schools gathered at the dcbl Stadium for the launch of this year’s scheme.

Their role is to promote safety messages to help keep everyone safe.  They deliver various messages around road safety, personal safety, cyber safety, water safety to name a few.  They do this by reading out bulletins in assemblies, displaying info on a notice board and running competitions across the school. They also promote safety campaigns such as encouraging no parking on zig zags around their schools.

Pupils met the Mayor and Mayoress of Halton, along with police and fire officers, enjoyed a buffet and shared ideas with pupils from other schools.

The scheme is organised by Halton’s Road Safety Team who say that this is an effective way of sharing many safety messages with large numbers of parents and children, allowing the pupils to lead the way.  We are grateful and thankful for all schools that engage with the scheme.