Service users who work at Halton Borough Council’s Day Services Shopmobility store at Shopping City in Runcorn, have won a ‘Kitemark Award’ from Halton Borough Council’s Speak Out Group.

A secret shopper came along from the group, which supports people with learning difficulties, assessded the centre as being disability friendly, which is a relief as Shopmobility is run by adults with disabilities for disabled customers.

Trained young Kite Markers have been working hard this year. They have checked out 27 venues and facilities. 22 were given the Bright Sparks Quality Kite Mark Award to say they are good places for young people with disabilities to visit or use.

Bright Sparks supports young people to be involved in decision making in Halton. We help young people with disabilities to have a say in the services provided for them.

Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Health and Wellbeing, Cllr Marie Wright. said: “These young people do a great job, peer reviewing places they use themselves, to bring them up to scratch.”

Bright Sparks Groups have helped with:-
– Changes to urgent health care
– Making the new Halton Transitions Booklet
– Improving the Cheshire Police Website
– A Sexual Health Consultation and
– The Quality of short breaks

They have developed strong links with schools and and member sits sitting on the Halton Youth Council.
Click here to see a video about Halton Speak Out and the projects we run

The new Children and Families Act says that all Local Authorities must give clear information about services for children and young people with special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). This is called the LOCAL OFFER. This video with information about Halton Speak Out is part of Halton’s Local Offer. To see Haltons full local offer click on this link:

* Earlier this year members of Speak Out made a video about problems faced by vulnerable adults, which Stevie Corry, aged 28, and Amy Rotherham, aged 20, presented to a meeting of the Safeguarding Adults Board.