Following the installation of one-way segregated cycle facilities along the Runcorn busway connecting Palace Fields, Brookvale and Murdishaw, Halton Borough Council has now secured funding to extend the scheme.

Work began this week to provide an active travel route from Runcorn East Station through Murdishaw Local Centre and into Whitehouse Industrial Estate.

The scheme will be completed in two separate phases. This first stage will be to improve the existing active travel facilities between Murdishaw Avenue and Chester Road and is estimated to take six weeks to complete.

The remainder of scheme will the progress, to ultimately provide a sustainable corridor for active travel from Runcorn East Station and Whitehouse Industrial Estate to Runcorn Shopping City.

The Council will keep any disruption to bus services and disturbances to local residents to a minimum throughout the delivery of this scheme as per the previous schemes.

For further information about the scheme or if you have any concerns please e-mail

Map: HW-S-2022-015-00 ATF3 SCHEME LOCATION