Who do you think was The First Brexiteer? No, not Nigel Farage, Michael Gove, Frank Field or even Tony Benn? A famous historian is coming to Halton with his theory!
The UK’s leading constitutional historian David Starkey returns to the Brindley Theatre, Runcorn on 9 October following the sell out of his previous lecture The King Is Dead. This time, he will be claiming it was King Henry VIIII. Henry VIII is the only king whose shape you remember. He bestrides our history like a colossus and the decisions he took still reverberate today. The Reformation is the first Brexit; his ministers devised the doctrine of parliamentary sovereignty and his tumultuous personal life pitted religion against politics as brutally as in our own age of Isis. In this lecture David Starkey draws on his unique knowledge of Henry’s reign on the one hand, and his insights as a leading commentator on modern politics on the other, to illuminate both the Tudor age and our own. A Cambridge educated grammar school boy who became a respected LSE lecturer, a uniquely abrasive debater on Radio 4’s Moral Maze, a controversial contributor to Question Time, and the creator and presenter of many very popular historical TV series, on such subjects as Henry VIII , Elizabeth 1st, the Monarchy, the Churchills, Music and Monarchy, and Magna Carta. There are few more stimulating thinkers, and few who understand better the way the most powerful have thought throughout our history. Tickets are £17.50, £16.50 concessions, £15 groups of ten plus from www.thebrindley.org.uk and the Brindley box office on 0151 907 8360. |
Historian David Starkey on Brexit and Henry VIII Who could resist!