Halton residents are invited by the Council to take part in the Big Conversation!

The Big Conversation is about all of us being a part of shaping what the future of Halton looks like.

It’s about starting to talk about how, together, we can make Halton an even better place for people to live, work, visit and grow. It includes discussing what Halton Borough Council could do with the money that it has available, what we can do together as a community and what each of us may be able to do in our day to day lives, to make a difference.

To start the conversation, the Council has come up five themes – these are based on what information gathered reveals are the most pressing issues and where making progress will bring the biggest benefits to local people.

These themes are:

  • Tackling inequality, helping those who are most in need
  • Building a strong, sustainable local economy
  • Supporting children, young people and families
  • Improving health, promoting wellbeing and supporting greater independence
  • Working towards a greener future

But what do you think? Do these themes reflect the things that are important to you and your life?

You are invited to complete the survey below to give your views.

The Big Conversation is taking place from now until November.  The Council is going out and about across the borough, hearing from as many people as possible and the opinions and ideas gathered will be used to help shape a new Corporate Plan for the Council.

This Corporate Plan is an important document because it will set out the details of what the Council will prioritise over the next five years to achieve the things that have been agreed, following our Big Conversation.

The Corporate Plan will also include how the Council will continue to deliver all its statutory functions – these are services that Councils must deliver – including things like collecting waste, running libraries, social care and making planning decisions.

A draft of what this plan looks should be ready to share by March 2024, so that work can start on the plan from April.

Council Leader Cllr Mike Wharton says: “Let your voice be heard by taking part in our survey. Input from local people is crucial to help shape future policies and decisions. Your involvement will help us improve, and build brighter futures for our community.”

Please complete the survey here: 

Or use the QR code.

If you would like some help in completing the survey, please pop into any Halton Direct Link office, or one of Halton’s libraries, where staff will be happy to provide assistance.