The Brindley welcomes blistering folk-rock with a softer, velvety underbelly when Merry Hell perform a semi-acoustic show at the award-winning Halton Borough Council venue on Thursday 24 November.
The band has punk attitude, Northern soul, Latino feel and more energy than you thought possible.
Risen from much missed 90’s folk-punk orchestra The Tansads, the first two albums won nominations and album of the year awards.
Their band members’ performances at numerous festivals have won them an increasing number of fans. What other band can get a tune out of two shovels, a hammer and a bucket of gravel?
Born in their native North West of England, Merry Hell is a folk-rock band with a history, pedigree and a seemingly bright future. In four short years, they have risen to become festival favourites and their three albums have found favour with critics, broadcasters and music fans alike, developing an enviable reputation for both their recorded work and live performances.
For more information see www.merryhell.co.uk/shop
Tickets for the show are £12 from www.thebrindley.org.uk and the box office on 0151 907 8360.