Halton Borough Council has organised a FREE ‘Christmas Cracker’ of an event, taking place jointly in Widnes and Halton Lea Libraires, which will showcase library activities, in a festive way.
It takes place on Monday 19 December at Widnes library and Tuesday 20 December at Halton Lea. 10am -12.30pm.and will include
• Christmas coding games – learn how to code computer games with Scratch, used by students, scholars, teachers, and parents to easily create animations, games, and etcetera-
• A festive storytime for little ones, to let them enjoy a range of stories, with a Christmas them
• Christmas craft – A chance to make your own decorations and more.
• Lego & K’nex – Build seasonal objects and let your imagination run wild
• Festive adult colouring in, because it’s too much fun to be ‘just for ‘kids’
• A Christmas photo booth crafted by our Young Reading Hack volunteers – Create a new Facebook profile pic!
• A Christmas quick choice surprise book display – discover new authors
• And finally The Mersey Wave choir will be singing Christmas carols throughout to get everyone in the Christmas spirit.
Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Libraries, Cllr Phil Harris, said: “Staff will show the scope of activities you can do in your local library, but with each activity having a festive twist.
“Why not come along if you are a regular library user or not and see what we have to offer?”