PICĀ  Library Development Officer Lorna Hulme shows Alison Watson from Runcorn some IT skills.

Halton Borough Council’s Festival of Learning takes place from Monday 19 June to Sunday 25 June, with a variety of ITĀ events to stimulate your brain cells for would be geeks of all ages.

Each year the national festival celebrates adult learning opportunities in the community. Halton Borough Council will be promoting digital skills as its contribution to the project.

On Tuesday 20 June at Castlefields Community Centre and Thursday 22 June at Upton Community Centre there will be free drop in IT workshops from 10.30pm to noon.`

There will be coding tasters for adults on Wednesday 21 June from 10am to 11.30am at Halton Lea Library and Friday 23 June from 10am to 11.30am at Widnes Library. It’s free, just drop in!

Halton is having a Digital Day on Saturday 24 June from 10.30am to 1pm at Halton Lea and Widnes Libraries. You can enjoy workshops of ‘Coding from Scratch’, BBC Micro:bits, Minecraft coding, IT drop in help, Electro Dough and Codebugs.

For full detauils see http://library.haltonbc.info/festival-of-learning/

#LovetoLearn #Haltonreads