A Covid-19 WhatsApp ‘chatbot’ has been launched by the Government. Members of the public who message the bot can access pre-determined chunks of advice on symptoms or how to avoid spreading the disease. It also contains a mythbuster which corrects a lot of the false information that is circulating on social media.
All you have to do to access the information is open the WhatsApp and send a message saying “hi” to the number 07860 064422. This is the only number you should use.
You will receive a menu and can choose to read about prevention, symptoms, staying at home, travel, latest numbers and mythbusters.
It is not a WhatsApp group and you won’t receive spam messages – neither is it a number you can call or send messages to.
You are not asked for any personal information and the service is free.
While a lot of this information is available online, the Government said the service has been designed to allow members of the public to “get answers to the most common questions about coronavirus”. Hopefully, clarifying some of the confusion surrounding Covid-19 and debunking the fake news being circulated.
- If you need advice on anything else please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline or 0808 223 1133