A reminder to all you keen readers out there, ALL Halton Borough Council libraries are open, Covid safe and ready to welcome you back.
Safety info is on our web page: https://library.haltonbc.info/we-are-open/ – with video safety advice and information on how staff keep you safe featuring staff members Rachel Tickle and Daisy Hogarth.
They proved a popular internet hit last time around.
Julie Griffiths, Strategic Development Manager: Libraries & Borough of Culture, said: “Face coverings must be worn (if not exempt); hand sanitising on entry; test and trace / scan QR code; issuing and returning of books; up to one hour per customer on the PCs per day
“Choose and Collect service is still operating. And the Home Library Service still operates for those who aren’t able to get to a library. For opening times visit https://library.haltonbc.info/.”
What was your first book you took out after the lockdown eased. Send us a photograph on social media using @haltonlibraries and #Haltonreads