Robert Stanton of Redacre Close, Dutton, has pleaded guilty to breaching an abatement notice issued by Halton  Borough Council relating to noise from barking dogs.

The case heard at  Warrington Magistrates Court on Wednesday 31st July was brought by Halton Borough Council under the statutory nuisance provisions of the Environmental Protection Act 1990.

In total, eight complaints about barking dogs had been made to the council since March 2023. The Council was satisfied the noise from the barking dogs amounted to a statutory nuisance and in April 2023 issued an abatement notice.  For an issue to count as a statutory nuisance it must unreasonably and substantially interfere with the use or enjoyment of a home or other premises.

The notice required Mr Stanton to abate the noise nuisance caused by the barking dogs. However the Council found evidence of multiple breaches of that abatement notice caused by  barking from a number of bull breed dogs kept at the property owned by Mr Stanton.

The court heard details of some of these instances:

On 23rd May 2023 during the course of 44 minutes approximately 1026 barks were observed.

On 22nd May 2023 during the course of 49 minutes approximately 923 barks were observed.

On 21st May 2023 during the course of 11 minutes approximately 251 barks were observed

On 20th May 2023 during the course of 14 minutes approximately 177 barks were observed

The court fined Mr Stanton £250 and ordered him to pay the council costs of £1,077 and a victim surcharge of £96.