Halton’s Borough Councillor whose portfolio covers trading standards, has been targeted by scammers, claiming he had made a PayPal payment to someone he doesn’t know. But he noticed it and reported it to officers.
Cllr Dave Cargill got a fake email (PICTURED) wanting to recipient to click on the transaction links which to a bogus site that has nothing to do with PayPal. The links in this kind of scam will either download malware or ransomware to your computer or ask you to complete information about your PayPal account. If you receive an email like this, delete it without clicking on any links. Luckily Cllr Cargill reported it to Halton Borough Council Trading Standards officers who are now urging the public to be vigilant. If you want to check a transaction in your account, log into your PayPal account from its website. https://www.paypal.com/uk/signin If you or somebody you know has been caught out by a scam please contact one of our specialist officers, Linda or Sue on 0151 511 8785 or 0151 511 8775, who are already working with people in Halton who have lost thousands of pounds to scams. If you need advice on anything else please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline or 03454 04 05 06. |
Scammers choose wrong man to target – our trading standards spokesman!