A table top sale at Castlefields Community Centre raised £150 for Mayors’ charities, Speak Out and H.E.A.R.T.S.
The groups, nominated by Cllr Alan Lowe, were
Halton Speak Out was founded in 2001. The main function of the group is to support individuals with learning disabilities by offering a wide range of services, which include self-advocacy, person centred planning, employment opportunities, training, peer advocacy and a people’s cabinet.
The Group’s mission statement is “the right to have a life.” This statement reflects the strong ethos of the organisation as it continues to fight inequalities facing individuals with learning disabilities.
It supports individuals, their families and carers in accessing the same opportunities, civil rights and lifelong aspirations as every other person.
The group has worked in partnership with social care, education, police and other partners to enable individuals to have a greater say over their own lives and the lives of their peers. They have helped improve services and integration for all within Halton.
It aims to work with people supporting them to reach their full potential, opening up the world of opportunity and enabling them to enjoy a fulfilled life as equal members of society.
Often described as a group who see “the glass half full rather than half empty” – using creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship to improve the lives of people with a learning disability.
H.E.A.R.T.S. (Halton Entertainment Arts Regional Theatre School)
Halton’s first all inclusive, not-for-profit community theatre group was founded in January 2000 as a fundraising project by the joint churches of Saint Basil and All Saints. Its aim was to raise funds to finance a Millennium Garden of Remembrance