Following the hugely successful show, Blowin’ in the Wind Andante returns to The Brindley Theatre, Runcorn on Friday 5 July with ‘Times Are A-Changin.’

In the latest show, the group revisits the era of peace, protest and love, with more uniquely arranged songs of the 60‘s and 70‘s. Artistes such as Don McLean, The Kinks, McCartney, are added to classics of Dylan, Baez, Lennon, Simon & Garfunkel and more.

Combining the vocal harmonies of Vee Sweeney and Mark Rowson, 16 instruments between them and outstanding musicianship, they perform an uplifting and inspiring show to give you a fabulous evening of unforgettable music. When Dylan, Baez and friends sang songs of love, “times certainly were a- changin’.

Tickets are £17 from and the Brindley box office on 0151 907 8360.