Finding the bad weather demotivating you to get your exercise in this lockdown?

Halton Community Exercise Coaches have designed various FREE  exercise tasters on Zoom/online during January to help keep you stay active and healthy through our winter lockdown

Exercise is great for physical and mental health and zoom classes give you the opportunity to be with other like-minded people online while you look after your health and support our NHS Check our social media pages each day!

We will be posting information about a free activity/exercise class each day through these links..

For free classes with our Leisure Centre staff check webpage:

Haton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Sport, Cllr Phil Harris, said: “As with all exercise programs, you need to use common sense. Choose an exercise program/activity that’s suitable for you.

“Ensure you are fit and well to take part, make sure you are warmed-up, keep well hydrated and stop if you feel unwell. You take part at your own risk, you should discuss and health conditions that may affect your ability to take part with your exercise coach and should seek medical advice if appropriate.”

For further information about staying active or getting started: Call Paula Parle 0151 511 8550