Halton Youth Cabinet is looking for new members to help make sure that the voices of young people are heard and acted upon across the borough. .
It brings together young people from across Halton who meet regularly to discuss, debate and engage with the issues that affect young people across the borough. Youth Cabinet meetings take place twice a month (at Grangeway Youth Centre in Runcorn and at CRMZ in Widnes) and give young people a forum to get seen, heard and listened to.
In a fast changing and challenging world its never been more important for young people to have a strong voice. With direct links to Halton Borough Council, Youth Cabinet has the ability to make a real impact and improve the lives of young people across Runcorn and Widnes.
Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Children, Young People and Families, Cllr Tom McInerney, said he would encourage any young person to get involved. “This is an ideal way to learn about democracy and have a real say in what happens in their area. It can help people have a real pride in where they live – which can last a lifetime.”
New Youth Cabinet members can expect to full training and support to ensure that they can make the most of their time on the Youth Cabinet. Young people involved with Halton Youth Cabinet can also go on to access regional, national and international youth participation activities through Youthforia (the North West Youth Parliament) and the British Youth Council.
Long serving Youth Cabinet member Thomas Norris, who is currently Halton’s Member of the Youth Parliament, said: “I have been a member of the youth cabinet for about three years.
It’s good for your CV, you meet new friends and we have fun.” “Youth cabinet also has given me a great opportunity to get more involved in our community and have a say in what goes on! It gave me a lot of independence and motivation to be an active part of what’s happening where we live.”
Young people looking to be a part of the Youth Cabinet can contact them by email at enquiries@haltonyc.com or phone Young Addaction on 01928 240406.
Halton Youth Cabinet is run by Youth Addaction behalf of Halton’s Children’s Trust and Halton Borough Council as part of an on-going commitment to improve opportunities for all children and young people