A spokesperson for Halton Borough Council says: “Each year, due to continuing financial pressures, the Council is faced with making some very difficult decisions to balance its budget. Regretfully, this year, one of the savings proposals put forward is the closure of Runcorn Swimming Pool.
“The pool has become unsustainable. It is housed in an aged building which requires major investment that the Council cannot provide. User numbers are low compared to our other leisure sites, and opening hours were reduced.
“While we understand that people who use the pool will be disappointed by the proposal, we believe it to be the right approach. Runcorn will continue to be served by Brookvale Recreation Centre.
“We have briefed all staff who will be affected and will be offering them support.
“The proposal will be considered by Executive Board on 17 February and, if agreed, will then be presented to the full Council for a decision on 2 March.
“The old market hall building, in which the pool is housed, will be considered as part of the Runcorn Town Deal with a view to finding a sustainable use for it.”