A Widnes resident has received a scam email about her car tax renewal even though she doesn’t drive and has never owned a car, prompting a warning from Halton Borough Council.
If you receive the email (attached), delete it without opening and do not click on any links.
The scammer hopes that you will click on the link without reading the email properly – it’s likely that the link contains ransomware or spyware that will be downloaded to your computer to either freeze your computer.
Halton Borough Council Trading Standards Officers warn you may also asked to pay a ransom to have the malware removed) or steal your personal information.
See the information in the red boxes which explains how we know that the email is a scam.
If you want to tax your car online use the official government website.
Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Trading Standards, Cllr Dave Cargill, said: “If you or somebody you know has been caught out by a scam please contact one of our specialist officers, Linda or Sue on 0151 511 8785 or 0151 511 8775, who are already working with people in Halton who have lost thousands of pounds to scams. ”
If you need advice on anything else please contact the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline or 03454 04 05 06.
If you receive this email delete it without opening and without clicking on any links.