Independent businesses in Halton’s High Streets are ready for Christmas and are encouraging you to shop early to ensure you get your tinsel treasures.
Halton has a wealth of local small shop keepers and businesses that have been stocking up on gifts and essentials for your perfect festive season. From Butchers, books and delicatessens to bikes, guitars and jewellery, local shops hold the key to some fantastic gifts and of course local knowledge in local suppliers and what is available.
Despite the past 18 months, these local businesses have returned to opening because local people have supported them. Now they need more local shoppers to carry on shopping in Widnes and Runcorn’s high streets.
Halton Borough Council is using funds from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), Welcome Back Fund to encourage shoppers to the high street and promote businesses to use social media to let people know what a diverse range of shops and goods are available.
Councillor Stef Nelson, Executive Board Member for Environment & Urban Renewal said “By supporting our local traders and shops we are supporting our local economy and jobs, something which can only be seen as a good thing to do, especially over the coming festive period and beyond.
He continued “Research has shown that for every £1 spent in local independent shops, 63p stays within the local economy. That’s a great reason to support the Halton High Streets campaign this Christmas.”
If you want to know whats in your local shops, keep an eye on social media for #haltonhighstreets