Halton Borough Council has encouraged Active Ageing with a drop in day, free ‘healthy’ goodie bags and Stay Steady, Stay Strong exercise classes, at Frank Myler Pavilion.

Twenty six came along to the sessions, organised on Friday 27 September.

Activities for older people on the day were designed to help people maintain independence, keep them mobile, active and on their feet.

Hslton Borough Council’s Sports Develpment Team is currently chatting to our older adult users at Frank Myler Myler about combating social isolation.

Halton Borough Council’s Executive Board Member for Sport, Cllr Phil Harris, said: “Some people who attend Frank Myler Paviion classes have told us stories about how they look forward to attending class as it’s the only social time they have the whole week!”

Officers have asked users to feedback any ideas they have to encourage more older adults to join us.

For further information about the Staying Strong class or activity or physical activity in Halton Contact Paula Parle: 0151 511 8550 Paula.parle@halton.gov.uk