We currently have an external contractor replacing a section of the boundary of Runcorn Hill Park at Highlands Road. The works comprise the removal of a masonry wall which runs along the back of the footpath in this location and replacing it with a steel ‘Cheshire Rail’ estate fencing.

In addition we are replacing the existing steps and creating a new level access path into the park to improve access for pedestrian users. The works are being carried out due to safety concerns about the stability of the boundary wall and to improve access to the park and bring it up to current standards particularly for users with mobility difficulties.

 The boundary wall has been deteriorating for some time due in part to root heave from the adjacent mature trees as well as poor construction. The wall is now listing badly and, in addition, the masonry cladding has failed in several locations and has started to fall out and onto the public footway causing a significant hazard to members of the public.

 Prior to commissioning the works all required searches were carried out to identify any constraints of the site and we have also worked closely with colleagues in the Planning and Highways Divisions to ensure compliance with permissions and regulations. For clarification the works have been carried out as permitted development. T

his section of Runcorn Hill Park is not included within the Higher Runcorn Conservation Area. The wall itself is not a Listed Structure and has an estimated construction date on post 1950’s. The site is not part of the Nature Conservation area and is not designated as a SSSI.

In addition residents immediately facing the works have been fully informed in writing of the proposals prior to works commencing.

 From a design point of view the wall is being replaced with a steel estate rail which is considered considerably more appropriate than a masonry wall for the location for a number of reasons.

The boundary falls with the root protection area of a number of mature trees which are likely to have partially caused the collapse of the wall and make the rebuilding of a masonry wall in this location inappropriate. For a number of years the park boundaries have been improved through the installation of Cheshire Rail fencing, a design which has been approved by Heritage Lottery, and the current works will ensure continuity with the wider park.

Cheshire Rail requires a limited foundation and is much more flexible than a masonry construction and therefore, due to the proximity of mature trees, this design is considered appropriate in this location both in terms of heritage and environment.

 Whilst we understand that this is a change for local residents, it is important to point out that these works are considered essential on the grounds of safety and access requirements.

In addition we are confident that the project will deliver a high quality boundary to the park and significantly improve the street environment and the exchange of views between the street and the park landscape whilst remaining in keeping with the character of the area.